What Insurance Do I Need for My Restaurant?

2024-03-07T18:10:27+00:00Categories: Blog|

Every type of business has its shared responsibilities such as managing staff, serving their clients/customers, overhead, maintaining their physical plant, inventory, etc. However, the hospitality industry, specifically running a restaurant, carries a unique set of tasks, and specific risks as well. To maintain your status quo, to grow your enterprise, and to minimize risk, you’ll need [...]

What is Specialty Lines Insurance?

2024-02-15T21:11:11+00:00Categories: Blog|

At Grillo & Associates, we know that just as important as having an insurance policy for your business, is having the right insurance coverage for your firm. That is why whenever a new client consults with our professionals, we ask many questions. This will not only build rapport and trust as well as lay the groundwork [...]

What Does a Business Owner’s Policy Cover?

2024-02-15T21:12:07+00:00Categories: Blog|

When you contact Grillo & Associates to inquire about a business owner's insurance quote, our professionals will learn about your specific business, and assist you to determine what policies will comprise the best Business Owner’s Policy for your needs. If you want to research policies prior to initiating a business owners insurance quote, it is important [...]

Who Needs a Commercial Auto Insurance Policy in New York?

2023-12-24T01:40:35+00:00Categories: Blog|

When our team is consulted by business owners who are seeking advice on the different types of insurance policies that we offer, the professionals at Grillo & Associates are often surprised to learn that many long-standing businesses have never had Commercial Auto Insurance coverage. In this posting, we will go over which types of firms [...]

What Are the Three Types of Business Insurance?

2023-12-24T01:37:11+00:00Categories: Blog|

The insurance professionals at Grillo & Associates never tire of hearing or explaining what types of business insurance our clients may require. Most will have done some online research before meeting with us and will have questions, or even feel overwhelmed. In this posting, we want to put business owners’ and stakeholders’ minds at ease. [...]

Tips to Save Money on Long Island Car Insurance

2023-10-24T20:11:41+00:00Categories: Blog|

Saving money has become an art form. Consumers clip coupons to save a few cents on groceries, wait until sales to make any other type of purchase, and even scan the online local exchanges looking for furniture and housewares. It’s true that Long Islanders are a thrifty group. We are too! Grillo & Associates advocates [...]

Top Considerations Before Buying Long Island Business Insurance

2023-10-24T20:16:32+00:00Categories: Blog|

It is vitally important for every local business, regardless of its size or industry, to have business insurance. This type of coverage will protect assets, employees, your office, warehouse or other facility, equipment, and even your enterprise itself against losses and liability. That’s why Grillo & Associates, the leading Long Island business insurance agency, wants [...]

Cheap Business Liability Insurance Tips

2023-10-24T19:58:11+00:00Categories: Blog|

Every business wants to serve their customers and clients well, but at the same time we all have our eyes on our bottom line. Regardless of their industry, most business owners know it is very important to have adequate business liability insurance; however, the costs for this type of policy will rise along with its [...]

What is Personal Insurance For?

2023-10-10T19:00:51+00:00Categories: Blog|

When our clients consult with Grillo & Associates, we often field questions about the purpose of and need for personal insurance. In New York, residents and businesses face considerably higher costs for everyday expenses. So it is completely understandable that they question the need for some coverages. In addition, its title confuses many. What is [...]

Is Business Liability Insurance Necessary?

2023-07-25T10:22:03+00:00Categories: Blog|

Grillo & Associates highly respects each and every one of our clients. However, when a business owner asks us, “Is business liability insurance really necessary?” we are tempted to reply, “How important is it for you to stay in business?” The need for liability insurance for every business is extremely important, a no-brainer if you [...]

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